Entry 7: The Bell(vue) of the Ball

Location: Bellevue, Wa

Brewery: Bellevue Brewing

Reason: Long Day, Cold Beer

As with any great journey, there must be a day (or two) of rest, but determined to slay another dragon, we pressed on. We came from north and south (of Lake Washington) and found that dragon at Bellevue Brewing. Guys, the dragon was friggin awesome.

Bellevue Brewing is pretty much perfect. It still feels like a brewery with an open floor plan and at least six of their own beers on tap AND a dining room with a legit menu. There is also a gigantic projector TV pointed at a gigantic white wall that usually has a baseball game on.

Matt ordered the Cascadian Dark Ale, the Oatmeal Stout Nitro and the Barbecue Chicken Pizza. I ordered the India Session Ale, the ESB and a classic Pepperoni (don't call me boring until you check out the picture...). Ultimately we were probably both more enthusiastic about the food than the beer on this particular trip, but its hard to use that as a criticism of the beer when neither of us had eaten in hours.

 (Looks good!)

This place has something that I really like. The staff is beyond friendly and even switched the projector from a basketball game to the Mariners when I asked if they might be able to change one of the TVs. They also checked on us frequently without being overbearing or rude. I should also note that there are a couple back rooms in this place that you can rent out for a special occasion, and honestly, this would be a really really fun place to have a birthday party for any beer enthusiast. I would go so far as to give this place an 8.5/10.

P.S. Happy Seattle Beer Week Everyone! CHEERS!!